Choosing to live a 'green', sustainable, or simple lifestyle is one approach individuals can take. The sites below offer some information, tips, and examples of choices that can be made including tools for the environmental/ sustainable conscious consumer.
Offers suggestions for reducing the impact of lifestyles without sacrificing quality.
GoodGuide's mission is to provide consumers with the information they need to make better shopping decisions.
A guide to the National Green Pages directory, plus evaluations on lots of products with conscientious consumption in mind.
"One of the ways Greener Choices empowers you to make smarter choices for a better world is by testing, reviewing, and reporting on the information you are likely to see printed on a food’s label, including the claims and seals that address sustainable agriculture, animal welfare, and fair pay and working conditions for farmworkers. Our goal is to empower you with information, so you can decide which practices to support, whether it is raising animals on pasture, not using certain chemicals in food processing factories, not using GMOs, or growing crops with minimal use of pesticides. We can help you distinguish between claims and images on food labels that might look impressive but contribute little or no positive impact and those that assure you that your choice will have the positive impact you intend."
Science and nature stories aired on CNN. Includes environmental news.
Daily environmental news headlines from the major media outlets.
M-F environmental news and resources from the librarian at the Illinois Sustainable Technology Center.
Environmental news from around the world.
The mission of The Why Files is to explore the science, math and technology behind the news of the day, and to present those topics in a clear, accessible and accurate manner. Covers all areas of science, including the environment.
A national environmental news source.
Lobbying for either changes or enforcement of existing environmental laws and legislation is a key element of citizen involvement with the environment. The following nonprofit environmental organizations are those principally involved in lobbying in our state.
Coalition of environmental groups that monitor voting records of Congress and state legislatures and support environmental conservation.
"Michigan LCV is the only nonpartisan political organization in Michigan with protecting your land, air, and water at the center of our work."
A collaborative effort of approximately 50 local, state, and national organizations that coordinate pushing for strengthening environmental safeguards.
The largest statewide membership group that supports, hunting, fishing, and resource conservation.
A chapter of the national organization, they organizes citizen 'lobby days' to visit with state legislators regarding key environmental concerns with state level issues
Eco-Tourism provides an increasing set of opportunities for people to visit and volunteer in places around the world. The sites below are meant only to hint at the possibilities. Their inclusion is not an endorsement of these particular sites or projects.
Runs programs that connect science and the environment as a vacation opportunity.
Volunteer Eco-Students Abroad - connects students with volunteer environmental travel opportunities.
World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms is a global and domestic program that helps make connections for volunteer labor for room and board on organic farms.