Spreadsheet of resources for Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Justice in Nature, Ecology, and Conservation. Compiled by Yale alum Dr. Alex Moore.
Created by three teams at four universities, Mapping Inequality presents data - drawn primarily from the federal government's Home Owners' Loan Corporation between 1935 and 1940 - to illustrate the discriminatory practice of redlining (a legal way of denying goods and services to particular populations). Includes downloadable data.
Compiled at the Institute of Geography of the University of Neuchâtel (Switzerland), the CliMig bibliographic database is the first comprehensive collection of resources which specifically concentrates on migration, the environment and climate change. The project consists of a fully searchable version of the bibliography on the WEB that is continuously updated with new publications. It aims to provide a FREE major hub for researchers on this important topic worldwide. It could subsequently be completed with direct access to non-copyrighted PDF documents, statistical data and metadata, ongoing research projects, etc.
High Country News is a magazine focusing on news (political, environmental, cultural) related to the US's mountainous midwestern and western states. It's available in print and electronically through Yale's databases, and has regular sections on indigenous affairs and public land use.
From Docuseek, this collection features 36 documentary films focused on environmental justice issues around the world.
The Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) website.
The Environmental Sustainability Portal
An 'Information Gateway Empowering the Movement for Environmental Sustainability'
Subject Centre for Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences (GEES)
Among its broad thematic and sectoral areas are: Biodiversity; Chemicals; Energy; Environmental Assessment; Freshwater; Land; Ozone; Poverty and Environment; Regional Seas; Sustainable Consumption; and Urban Environment.
A United Nations division that promotes and assists in the development of international policy around sustainable development. The website contains policy discussion, current awareness and hosts reports on the topic.
HabitatMap is a wiki-map. This means that every marker you add to the map becomes part of the “HabitatMap” and is open to edits and additions from fellow participants. You will need to create a profile. HabitatMap is a non-profit environmental health justice organization whose goal is to raise awareness about the impact the environment has on human health. Our online mapping and social networking platform is designed to maximize the impact of community voices on city planning and strengthen ties between organizations and activists working to build greener, greater cities. Utilizing our shared advocacy platform participants can: alert the public to environmental health hazards, hold polluters accountable for their environmental impacts, highlight urban infrastructures that promote healthy living, Identify future opportunities for sustainable urban development, and promote policies that enhance equitable access to urban resources.
An environmental justice geographic assessment online mapping tool to locate facilities by a city, county, state, ZIP code, watershed, EPA region, latitude/longitude, facility or address. The site enables the user to select layers of data: Superfund, toxic release, water discharge, air emission, or hazardous waste sites, railroads, highways, streets, air and water monitors, flood hazard zones, and other data. After selecting data layers, the user can select from a list of demographic data including population density, per capita income, percent minority, percent below poverty, educational attainment, population under 18 years of age, age of the homes, and percent of the population who speak English less than well. Includes Census Bureau data on income and housing tenure (owner or rental occupied). The site also provides links to maps and health data gathered by the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS).