Use these tips to get the desired results faster and easier.
1. Use the Boolean Operator OR for broadening your search results, e.g.
2. Use the Boolean operators AND, NOT for narrowing your search results.
3. Avoid using very common terms. They might bring irrelevant search results.
4. Search for alternative words in a thesaurus, e.g. APA PsycBOOKS database or Merriam Webster's through Encyclopedia Britannica.
5. In the "advanced search" page of each search engine use the domain box to limit your search, i.e. .edu, .gov, or .org (for educational, governmental, and organizational websites).
To find a specific book in the library, write down the entire call number and note the location (stacks, reference, etc.) and look for the book. Ask at the Reference Desk if you need help!
Bissell Library books are organized by Dewey Decimal Numbers - here are the basic Psychology call numbers:
150 Psychology
152 Perception, movement, emotions & drives
153 Mental processes & intelligence
154 Subconscious & altered states
155 Differential & developmental psychology
156 Comparative psychology
158 Applied psychology
610 Human Anatomy, Cytology, Histology
612 Human Physiology
613 Personal Health & Safety
615 Pharmacology and therapeutics
616 Diseases
Examples of Broad and Exact Subject Headings and Subheadings From the Library of Congress Subject Headings