Social Psychology Network: one of the largest Internet sites devoted to psychological research and teaching. Explore psychology degree programs, career paths, expert guidance, and other helpful resources.
Spectrum (Online news and expert opinion on autism research)
Royal College of Psychiatrists (Mental health information written by psychiatrists)
The latest research on psychiatry with an emphasis on the clinical aspects (British Journal of Psychiatry- Cambridge University Press)
Psychology Resources Around the World
Neuroscience - DANA Foundation
Neuroscience - Society for Neuroscience
University of Cambridge: The Department of Psychology Research groups
Classics in the History of Psychology
This site, developed at York University in Toronto and aimed at researchers, teachers, and college students, makes available the full texts of many historically significant psychology documents, all in the public domain. Over 20 books and more than 100 articles and chapters are available online, plus links to over 170 other works posted at other Web sites. Documents are searchable by author, topic, and keyword.
Current Topics in Psychology
A site maintained by a clinical psychologist with links to articles, research documents, and other Web sites. Divided into two segments: "Quick Reference Guide" has links to documents and sites on specific topics in psychology, while "Psychology Reference Guide" has links to comprehensive general psychology resources.
Psych Central: Dr. John Grohol's Mental Health Page
Created in 1995 by a trained clinical psychologist, this Web site is an index to online resources on mental health issues.
Social Psychology Network
Maintained by a faculty member at Wesleyan University in Connecticut, this Web site includes over 5000 links to psychology-related resources. Its section on Social Psychology Subject Areas includes links to Web sites on broad topics such as the Psychology of Gender, Social Influence, and Group Behavior, with narrower subtopics like Mens' Studies and Resources, Persuasion and Propaganda, and Leadership Studies.
A focus on stakeholder well-being has long been integral to CSR scholarship. Only recently, however, have researchers devoted sustained attention to understanding how employees — both current and prospective — perceive, engage in, and react to CSR initiatives directed at themselves and other stakeholders external to the firm. [download ebook]