You can log in and access your personal information from any computer, on or off campus.
My Summary
Once logged in, you can see your account summary; how many items are borrowed; when they are due (overdue items are highlighted in pink). If you want to see only the overdue items, you may click at the Overdue tab next to the Checked Out tab.
My Fines
Current Fines
If a Fines tab appears next to the Checked out tab in My Summary, the amount presented is the current fine, which you owe to the library.
NOTE: If the Overdue tab appears as well, it means that you have overdue item(s) on loan and the fine will continue to increase until you return the item(s) back to the library.
Please check each library’s Borrowing Policy, because fine ratings differ according to the patron category.
Fines History
You can check the history of your Fines at My Fines tab.
My Personal Details
You can view your account’s data from My Personal Details tab.
NOTE: To make changes to your records please contact the library.
My Search History
You can access your search history via the My Search History tab. Clicking on any of the search phrases will re-run the same search. You may delete your search history at any time by clicking on the Delete your search history link.
My Reading History
The My Reading History tab reveals your entire check out history. It could be useful especially when looking for details of item(s) you may wish to borrow again.
My purchase suggestions
If you would like to suggest a title for adding to the library collection, click the My Purchase Suggestions tab. Fill out the details and click Submit. The library staff will review the title and decide upon its purchase.
NOTE: Please add at the Notes section any additional information to be taken into account.
My Lists
From this tab you can manage your lists. You may create both private and public lists. Editing includes renaming, as well as addition or deletion of items. You may also delete the entire list.
NOTE: Please also check Item Record for the creation procedure.