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Library Catalog Help Guide: Item Record

How to read an Item Record

 When you click on a title from the search results, you will see the bibliographic detail of the record.

Title Information

The title appears at the top of the record, in bold.


Author Information

The author information is presented below the title.


Item Description

The description of the record provides all the necessary data with regard to the publication date and place, the ISBN (International Standard Book Number), the physical details.



Subject Heading Information

The Subject Headings are important part of the record because they present the main topics covered in the item. The Subject(s) are links. When clicking on one, the results show all the records that include that subject within the library catalog.


NOTE: A Subject heading might reflect a particular aspect of a subject, e.g. Abortion Case Studies. This subject heading comprises of two parts/links. By clicking the Abortion section a broad search will be performed. If you are only interested in resources that deal with Case Studies of Abortions, you should click on the Case Studies link.



Holdings Information

The Holdings data comprises the Item Type ( e.g. book, cd-rom, dvd-rom, etc.); the Location (i.e. the library where the book can be found, as well as the specific area within the library); the Collection (e.g. New Books, Fiction, Non Fiction, etc.); the Call Number (where exactly the book is shelved); its Status (Checked In or Out); and the Due Date (when the book should be returned).


Title Notes

Various Notes, such as the Table of Contents, are presented at the Title Notes tab, next to the Holdings.


User Actions


To the right of the bibliographic record you can find links to Print the record, or Add it to your Cart (for information on how to use the Lists and Cart features, please check the My account instructions).

You may also search for the title in other resources, including WorldCat, the World Catalog, Google Books, and Bookfinder.




When you are within a record, you are also able to navigate to the Previous or the Next records, or go Back to the Results page, by clicking one of the options on the right side of the screen.



Lists & Cart

The library catalog system provides two ways to keep track of your searches and wish list for resources: carts and lists.



A cart is a temporary holding place for records you are interested in during a search session. In order to add items to your cart, you can do it either from the results list or the page of an individual record, as shown in the previous section. At the results, you can either click at the Add to your cart option (1) from the bottom of each item, or select the item by clicking on the check box (2), and then click at the Add to: Cart at the top of the results (3).


You may see the total number of items added to your cart from the button next to the search bar.


By clicking that button a pop-up window opens with all the details of the selected items. Available options are: Send via email, Download the list, Print, Empty the cart and close the window.

NOTE: Once you log out or close the browser, you lose the items in your cart.



If you want a more permanent location for saving items, use the List feature. You need to be logged in to your personal account. For creating or adding to a list you follow the steps for adding items to the Cart, and you click the Add to a list after having selected the desired items.


At the new window, you can either select from an existing list or type the title of a new list. You can specify if you want the list to be public or private.


You can view all public and your own private lists from the button at the search bar section.


NOTE: Your personal lists are visible only when you are logged in.


Course Reserves can be found at the Public Lists with the code number CR followed by the course . Only current library-held materials will be displayed, not instructor’s copies.


You can manage your own private lists by visiting the My lists section of your account (see My account).


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