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Library Catalog Help Guide: Basic Search

How to perform a Basic Search


To do a Simple Search, you enter a word or multiple words in the search box. The Simple Search is a keyword search; the system will retrieve results that include the search term(s) at any field in the record.



When you search with more than one word, all the terms will appear in each of the results. Suppose you want to find material about world politics. Your search will be as follows:




NOTE: 1. The order of the wording affects the order of the results. Consequently, the search politics world will retrieve the same number of results but in a different ranking.

           2. The library catalog system does not accept the Phrase Search quotation marks ( ).


 Basic Searching Enhanced


Apart from the option to search using regular keyword, the Basic Search also offers options for searching by Title, Author, Subject, etc. On selecting and searching in a field the system will search the term only in the selected field.


Selecting one of the fields helps you narrow down the search results.

 Branch Selection

The Anatolia Libraries Catalog is a union one.  If no branch is selected, results will appear for the items located in both of the libraries. In the Basic Search there is also the option to select either of the two branches, the Eleftheriades (school library) or the Bissell (academic library).  Selecting either of the branches also narrows down the results of your search.



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