Material Type |
Reference List Example |
In Text Example |
Lecture/Seminar/Presentations Tutor/Lecturer (year) Title of seminar/lecture/presentation [Seminar to Module code tutor group, location], Date. |
Bloggs, F. (2014) Which came first: the chicken or the egg? [Lecture to ZZ123 tutor group, Milton Keynes], 15 May. |
(Bloggs, 2014) |
Course reader Author, A. (year of publication of reading) ‘Title of article’, in Editor, A. (ed[s]) (year of publication of reader) Title of Reader, Place of publication, Publisher. |
Farrington, D. (2004) ‘Criminological psychology in the twenty-first century’ in Turner, J., Brace, N., Motzkau, J., Briggs, G. and Pike, G. (eds) (2009) Critical Readings in Forensic Psychology, Milton Keynes, The Open University. |
(Farrington, 2004) |
PowerPoint Presentations Tutor/Lecturer (year) Title of PowerPoint Presentation [PowerPoint slides to Module code tutor group, location], Date. |
Bloggs, F. (2015) Historical overview of teaching methodologies [PowerPoint slides to Applied Linguistics 274, Thessaloniki], 13 March. |
(Bloggs, 2015) |