Material Type |
Reference List Example |
In Text Example |
Newspaper: Print Author, A. (year of publication) ‘Title of the article’, Title of the Newspaper, date, page number. |
Mackay, C. (2002) ‘Alert over big cat’, The Daily Mirror, 4 July, p. 28. |
(Mackay, 2002) |
Newspaper: Electronic Database Author, A. (year of publication) ‘Title of the article’, Title of the Newspaper, date [Online]. Available at Library Database (Accessed date). |
MacLeod, D. (2007) ‘Oxbridge trainee teachers twice as likely to get jobs’, Guardian, 3 August [Online]. Available at Academic Search Premier (Accessed 3 August 2013). |
(MacLeod, 2007) |
Newspaper: Online Author, A. (year of publication) ‘Title of the article’, Title of the Newspaper, date [Online]. Available at URL (Accessed date). |
Hilts, P.J. (2010) 'In forcasting their emotions, most people flunk out',The New York Times, 16 February [Online]. Available at (Accessed 19 February 2012). |
(Hilts, 2010) |
Newspaper: no author Newspaper Title (year of publication) 'Title of the article', date, page number. |
The Times (2008) ‘Bank accounts’, 14 June, p. 7. |
(The Times, 2008) |